CNS Publications
Year: 2025
Year: 2024
Year: 2023
Pedersen, M. V., Hansen, L. M. B., Garforth, B., Zak, P. J., & Winterdahl, M. (2023). Adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion in response to anticipatory stress and venepuncture: the role of menstrual phase and oral contraceptive use. Behavioural Brain Research, 452:114550.
Merritt, S. H., Gaffuri, K., & Zak, P. J. (2023). Accurately Predicting Hit Songs with Neurophysiology and Machine Learning. Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, 6:1154663.
Year: 2022
Zak, P.J. (2022). Immersion: The Science of the Extraordinary and the Source of Happiness. Lioncrest.
Lin, L. H., Narender, R., & Zak, P. J. (2022). Why people keep watching: neurophysiologic immersion during video consumption increases viewing time and influences behavior. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16.
Bashir, S., Alexander, V., Jiao, P., Johnson, C., Nadler, A., & Zak, P. J. (2022). Supraphysiologic testosterone increases proactive aggression in the power-to-take game. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics. 15(4). 159
Merritt, S. H., Krouse, M., Alogaily, R. S., & Zak, P. J. (2022). Continuous Neurophysiologic Data Accurately Predict Mood and Energy in the Elderly. Brain Sciences, 12(9), 1240.
Hu, Xinbo, & Zak, P.J.(2022). A Procedure to Set Prices and Select Inventory in Thinly Traded Markets Using Data from eBay. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 15: 297.
Zak, P.J. (2022). The Neuroscience of Customer Experience. MIT Sloan Management Review, 63(4).
Zak, P.J., Curry, B., Owen, T., & Barraza, J.A. (2022). Oxytocin Release Increases with Age and is Associated with Life Satisfaction and Prosocial Behaviors. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 119.
Zak, P. J., Barraza, J. A., Hu, X., Zahedzadeh, G., & Murray, J. (2022). Predicting Dishonesty When the Stakes Are High: Physiologic Responses During Face-to-Face Interactions Identifies Who Reneges on Promises to Cooperate. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 15.
Year: 2021
Kraig, A., Harrison, E.R. & Zak, P.J. (2021). The impact of organizational trust on the performance of police departments. SN Social Sciences 1(12), 1-21.
Barraza JA, Hu X, Terris ET, Wang C, Zak PJ (2021) Oxytocin increases perceived competence and social-emotional engagement with brands. PLoS ONE 16(11): e0260589.
Cazala, F., Zak, P. J., Beavin, L. E., Thornton, D. M., Kiehl, K. A., & Harenski, C. L. (2022). Hormonal response to perceived emotional distress in incarcerated men with sexual sadism. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111180.
Zak PJ, Hayes K, Paulson E, Stringham E (2021) Alcohol unleashes homo economicus by inhibiting cooperation. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0253296.
Nowack, K. & Zak, P. J. (2021). Sustain high performance with psychological safety. American Society for Training & Development. Feb. ISBN:9781952157776
Johannsen, R., & Zak, P. J. (2021). The neuroscience of organizational trust and business performance: Findings from US working adults and an intervention at an online retailer. Frontiers in Psychology: Organizational Psychology, 11, 3858.
Year: 2020
Nowack, K.M. & Zak, P.J. (2020). Bust your unconscious biases–and instantly become a better leader. Talent Quarterly, 12/27.
Miani, A., Di Bernardo, G. A., Højgaard, A. D., Earp, B. D., Zak, P. J., Landau, A. M., Hoppe, J., & Winterdahl, M. (2020). Neonatal male circumcision is associated with altered adult socio-affective processing. Heliyon, 6(11), e05566.
Zak, P.J. (2020). Neurological correlates allow us to predict human behavior. The Scientist. Oct. 1.
Garforth, B., Degnbol, H., Terris, Zak, P. J & Winterdahl, M. Elevated plasma oxytocin levels and higher satisfaction with life in young oral contraceptive users. Scientific Reports 10, 8208 (2020).
Johannsen R and Zak PJ (2020) Autonomy raises productivity: An experiment measuring neurophysiology. Frontiers in Psychology 11:963. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00963
Nowack, K., & Zak, P. (2020). Empathy enhancing antidotes for interpersonally toxic leaders. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 72(2), 119. (Winner of the Elliott Jaques Memorial Publication Award).
Zak, P.J. (2020). At attention: Gain better results with training that’s immersive. TD Magazine 74(9), 42-47, Sept.
Year: 2019
Kraig, A. F., Barraza, J. A., Montgomery, W. & Zak, P. J. (2019). The neurophysiology of corporate apologies: Why do people believe insincere apologies? International Journal of Business Communication, 56(3). doi: 10.1177/2329488419858391
Zak, P. (2019). How our brains decide when to trust. Harvard Business Review, July 18.
Morris, B. S., Chrysochou, P., Christensen, J. D., Orquin, J. L., Barraza, J., Zak, P. J., & Mitkidis, P. (2019). Stories vs. facts: Triggering emotion and action-taking on climate change. Climatic Change, 154(1-2), 19-36.
Miani, A., Pedersen, A. S., Rask, C. U., Uber-Zak, L., Zak, P. J., & Winterdahl, M. (2019). Predicting psychogenic non-epileptic seizures from serum levels of neuropeptide Y and adrenocorticotropic hormone. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 31(3), 167-171.
Tønnesen, M. T., Miani, A., Pedersen, A. S., Mitkidis, P., Zak, P. J., & Winterdahl, M. (2019). Neuropeptide Y and religious commitment in healthy young women. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 31(2), 106-112.
Year: 2018
Henderson, A., Thoelen, G., Nadler, A. et al. Testing the influence of testosterone administration on men’s honesty in a large laboratory experiment. Sci Rep 8, 11556 (2018).
Kraig, A., Cornelis, C., Terris, E. T., Neubert, M. J., Wood, M. S., Barraza, J. A., & Zak, P. J. (2018). Social purpose increases direct-to-borrower microfinance investments by reducing physiologic arousal. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 11(2), 116.
Zak, P. J. (2018). The evolutionary origins of cooperation and trade. Journal of Bioeconomics, 20(1), 179-181.
Zak, P. J., & Barraza, J. A. (2018). Measuring immersion in experiences with biosensors. Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. doi:10.5220/0006758203030307
Alexander, V., Blinder, C., & Zak, P. J. (2018). Why trust an algorithm? Performance, cognition, and neurophysiology.Computers in Human Behavior,89, 279-288. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2018.07.026
Terris, E. T., Beavin, L. E., Barraza, J. A., Schloss, J., & Zak, P. J. (2018). Endogenous oxytocin release eliminates in-group bias in monetary transfers with perspective-taking. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 35. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00035
Zak, P. J. (2018). The neuroscience of high-trust organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. 70(1), 45-58.
Year: 2017
Efremidze, L., Sarraf, G., Miotto, K., & Zak, P. J. (2017). The neural inhibition of learning increases asset market bubbles: Experimental evidence. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 18(1), 114-124.
Nadler, A., Jiao, P., Johnson, C. J., Alexander, V., Zak, P.J. 2017. The bull of wall street: Experimental analysis of testosterone and asset trading. Management Science, 64(9), 4032-4051.
Nowack, K. & Zak, P. J. (2017). Brain trust. Talent Economy. Winter 2017.
Winterdahl, M., Miani, A., Vercoe, M. J., Ciovica, A., Uber-Zak, L., Rask, C. U., & Zak, P. J. (2017). Vulnerability to psychogenic non-epileptic seizures is linked to low neuropeptide Y levels. Stress, 20(6), 589-597.
Zahedzadeh, G. (2017). Overt attacks and covert thoughts. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 36, 1-8.
Zak, P. J. (2017). Trust factor: The science of creating high-performance companies. Amacom.
Zak, P.J. (2017). The neuroscience of trust. Harvard Business Review. January- February. ***Winner of the 2018 Warren Bennis Prize for the best article on leadership
Year: 2016
Nadler, A., Zak, P.J. (2016). Hormones and economic decisions. Neuroeconomics, (pp. 41-66). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Willoughby, A. R., Barraza, J. A., Javitz, H., Roach, B. J., de Zambotti, M., Harrison M. T., Cox J. C., Murray, J., Zak, P. J., Ford, J. M., Colrain, I. M., & Myers, G. (2016). Electrophysiological and neuroendocrine correlates of trust in the investment game. Journal of Intelligence Community Research & Development.
Zak, P.J. (2016). The science behind building a culture of trust. TD Magazine, June. 48-53.
Year: 2015
Alexander, V., Tripp, S., & Zak, P.J. (2015). Preliminary evidence for the neurophysiologic effects of online coupons: changes in oxytocin, stress, and mood. Psychology & Marketing. 32(9): 977–986.
Barraza, J.A., Alexander, V., Beavin, L.E. Terris, E.T., & Zak, P.J. (2015). The heart of the story: Peripheral physiology during narrative exposure predicts charitable giving. Biological Psychology,105: 138-143.
Brosnan, S.F., Talbot, C.F., Essler, J.L., Leverett, K., Flemming, T., Dougall, P., Heyler, C., & Zak, P.J. (2015). Oxytocin reduces food sharing in capuchin monkeys by modulating social distance. Behaviour. 152(7-8): 941–961
Crosby, L. A. & Zak, P.J. (2015). The neuroscience of brand trust. Marketing Management. May: 22-23.
Curry, B., Donaldson, B., Vercoe, M,. Filippo, M., & Zak, P. J. (2015). Oxytocin responses after dog and cat interactions depend on pet ownership and affects interpersonal trust. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin. (3)2: 56-71.
Zahedzadeh, G., Barraza, J. A., & Zak, P. J. (2015). Persuasive narratives and costly actions. Terrorism and Political Violence.
Zak, P.J., Barraza, J.A. (2015). The neuroscience of candy preferences. Neuromarketing Theory and Practice, 14, 6-7.
Zak, P.J. (2015). Building trust is a blood sport. Ivy Business Journal. November/December.
Zak, P.J. (2015). Why inspiring stories make us react: The neuroscience of narrative. Ch2. in Cerebrum, Dana Press.
Year: 2014
Fay, T., Barraza, J., Benedikter, R., Casebeer, W., Collmann, J., Cooper, N., … & Wright, N. D. (2014). Leveraging Neuroscientific and Neurotechnological (NeuroS&T) Developments with Focus on Influence and Deterrence in a Networked World. Joint Staff, DDGO Washington DC United States.
Zak, P. (2014, April 22). Dogs (and Cats) Can Love. The Atlantic. Retrieved from Dogs (and Cats) Can Love – The Atlantic
(*) Bracken, B.K., Alexander, V., Zak, P.J., Romero, V., Barraza, J.A. (2014). Physiological synchronization is associated with narrative emotionality and subsequent behavioral response. In D.D. Schmorrow and C.M. Fidopiastis (Eds.), Human Computer Interaction, 3–13. [Digital Version]
Zak, P.J. (2014). The Neuroscience of Trust. People and Strategy, 37(1): 14-17. [Digital Version]
Zak, P.J. (2014). Why your brain loves good storytelling. Harvard Business Review, Oct. 28. [Digital Version]
Year: 2013
Barraza, J. & Zak, P. J. (2013). Oxytocin instantiates empathy and produces prosocial behaviors. Chapter 18 in Choleris, E., Pfaff, D. W. & Kavaliers, M. (Eds.) Oxytocin, Vasopressin and Related Peptides in the Regulation of Behavior, 331-342.
Barraza, J.A., Grewal, N.S., Ropacki, S., Perez, P., Gonzalez, & Zak P.J. (2013). Effects of a 10-Day Oxytocin Trial in Older Adults on Health and Well Being. Experimental and Clinical Psycopharmacology, 21(2): 85-92. [Digital version]
Lin, P-Y., Grewal, N.S., Morin, C., Johnson, W.D., & Zak, P.J. (2013). Oxytocin increases the influence of public service advertisements. PLoS ONE, 8(2). [Link]
Merolla, J.L, Burnett, G., Pyle, K., Ahmadi, S., & Zak, P. (2013). Oxytocin and the biological basis for interpersonal and political trust. Political Behavior, 34(4): 753-776. [Digital version]
Zak, P.J. (2013). Oxytocin and the reduction of aggression. In Topics in the Neurobiology of Aggression: Implications to Deterrence, Diane DiEuliis and Hrair Cabayan, Editors, U.S. Department of Defense. [Digital version]
Zak, P.J., & Barraza, J.A. (2013). Neurobiology of Collective Action. Frontiers in Neuroscience: Decision Neuroscience, 7(211). [Link]
Year: 2012
Hoge, E., Lawson, E., Metcalf, C., Keshaviah, A., Zak, P., Pollack, M., Simon, N., (2012). Plasma oxytocin immunoreactive products and response to trust in patients with social anxiety disorder. Depress Anxiety, 29(11):924-30. [Digital version]
Morhenn, V., Beavin, L.E., & Zak, P.J. (2012). Massage increases oxytocin and reduces adrenocorticotropin hormone in humans. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 18(6): 11-18. [Digital version]
Sapra, S., Beavin, L.E., & Zak, P.J. (2012). A combination of dopamine genes predicts success by professional Wall Street traders. PLoS ONE, 7(1). [Digital version]
Zak, P. J. (2012). The Moral Molecule: The Source of Love and Prosperity. New York: Dutton.
Year: 2011
Barraza, J. A. (2011). Positive emotional expectations predict volunteer outcomes for new volunteers. Motivation and Emotion, 35, 211-219.
Barraza, J.A., McCullough, M.E., Ahmandi, S. & Zak, P.J. (2011). Oxytocin infusion increases charitable donations regardless of monetary resources. Hormones and Behavior, 60: 148-151. [Digital version]
Zak, P.J. (2011). Moral Markets. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 77(2): 212-233. [Digital version]
Zak, P.J. (2011). The physiology of moral sentiments. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 77: 53-65. [Digital version]
Year: 2010
Sapra, S.G., & Zak, P.J. (2010). Eight lessons from neuroeconomics for money managers. CFA Institute Research Publications, Behavioral Finance and Investment Management, 2010 (2): 63-76. [Digital version]
Vercoe, M., & Zak, P.J. (2010). Inductive modeling using causal studies in neuroeconomics: brains on drugs. Journal of Economic Methodology, 17(2): 123-137. [Digital version]
Zak, P.J., & Kugler, J. (2010). Neuroeconomics and international studies: A new understanding of trust. International Studies Perspectives, 12: 136-152. [Digital version]
Year: 2009
Barraza, J. A. & Zak, P. J. (2009). Empathy toward strangers triggers oxytocin release and subsequent generosity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1167: 182-189. [Digital version]
Zak, P.J., Kurzban, R., Ahmadi, S. Swerdloff, R.S., Park, J., et al. (2009). Testosterone administration decreases generosity in the ultimatum game. PLoS ONE, 4(12). [Digital version]
Year: 2008
Hoge, E. A., Pollack, M. H., Kaufman, R. E., Zak, P. J. & Simon, N. M. (2008). Oxytocin levels in social anxiety disorder. CNS Neuroscience &Therapeutics, 14: 165–170. [Digital version]
Morhenn, V. B., Park, J. W., Piper, E. & Zak, P. J. (2008). Monetary sacrifice among strangers is mediated by endogenous oxytocin release after physical contact. Evolution and Human Behavior, 29: 375–383. [Digital version]
Zak, P. J. (2008). The neurobiology of trust. Scientific American, June: 88-95. [Digital version]
Zak, P. J. (2008). Moral markets: the critical role of values in the economy. Princeton University Press.
Zak, P. J. (2008). Neuroeconomics. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology, 248-250. [Digital version]
Year: 2007
Park, J. W. & Zak, P. J. (2007). Neuroeconomics studies. Analyse and Kritik, 29: 47-59. [Digital version]
Zak, P. J. (2007). Chapter 2: The neuroeconomics of trust. In R. Frantz (Eds.) Renaissance in Behavioral Economics (17-33). Routledge. [Digital version]
(*) Zak, P. J., Stanton, A. A. & Ahmadi, S. (2007). Oxytocin increases generosity in humans. Public Library of Science ONE, 2(11). [Digital version]
Year: 2006
Zak, P. J. & Fakhar, A. (2006). Neuroactive hormones and interpersonal trust: international evidence. Economics & Human Biology, 4: 412-429. [Digital Version]
Year: 2005
(**) Kosfeld, M., Heinrichs, M., Zak, P. J. Fischbacher, U. & Fehr, E. (2005). Oxytocin increases trust in humans. Nature, 435(2): 673-676. [Digital version]
Zak, P. J. (2005). Trust: a temporary human attachment facilitated by oxytocin. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28(3): 368-369. [Digital version]
Zak, P. J., Borja, K., Matzner, W. T. & Kurzban, R. (2005). The neuroeconomics of distrust: sex differences in behavior and physiology. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 95(2): 360-363. [Digital version]
(*) Zak, P. J., Kurzban, R. & Matzner, W. T. (2005). Oxytocin is associated with human trustworthiness. Hormones and Behavior, (48): 522-527. [Digital version]
Year: 2004
Hirshleifer, J. J. & Zak, P. J. (2004). The Bioeconomics of Social Behavior: Introduction. Journal of Bioeconomics, 6(1): 1-2. [Digital version]
(*) Zak, P. J. (2004). Neuroeconomics. Philosophical Transactions of the RoyalSociety B (Biology), 359(1451): 1737-1748. [Digital version]
(*) Zak, P. J., Kurzban, R. & Matzner, W. T. (2004). The Neurobiology of Trust. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1032: 224-227. [Digital version]
Year: 2003
Denzau, A. T. & Zak, P. J. (2003). Explore and Exploit: An Evolutionary Analysis of Institutional Dynamics. In A. Somit and S. A. Peterson (Eds.), Human Nature and Public Policy: An Evolutionary Approach (139-160). Palgrave Macmillan.
Zak, P. J. (2003). Trust. Capco Institute Journal of Financial Transformation, 7: 13-21. [Digital version]
Knack, S. & Zak, P. J. (2003). Building Trust: Public Policy, Interpersonal Trust, and Economic Development. Supreme Court Economic Review, 10: 91-107. [Digital version]
Year: 2002
Geddes, R. & Zak, P. J. (2002). The rule of one-third. Journal of Legal Studies, 31(1): 119-137. [Digital version]
Zak, P. J. 2002. Institutions, Property Rights and Growth. Louvain Economic Review, 68(1-2): 55-73.
Zak, P. J. & Park, K. W. (2002). Population Genetics and Economic Growth. Journal of Bioeconomics, 4(1): 1-37. [Digital version]
Year: 2001
Zak, P. J. & Denzau, A.T. (2001). Economics is an evolutionary science. In Albert Somit and Stephen Peterson (Eds.), Evolutionary Approaches in the Behavioral Sciences: Toward a Better Understanding of Human Nature (31-65). JAI Press. [Digital version]
(**) Zak, P. J. & Knack, S. (2001). Trust and Growth. The Economic Journal, 111: 295-321. [Digital version]
Year: 2000
Zak, P. J. (2000). Larceny. Economics of Governance, 1: 157-179. [Digital version